Derek W. DeVine, Seneca County Prosecutor
Meet The Prosecutor
Derek W. DeVine took office as Seneca County Prosecutor in 2009. Prior to becoming the Prosecuting Attorney, Derek was in private practice at Lange & DeVine Law Offices, LLC (2002-2008) and Supance & Howard Law Offices (2000-2002). Prior to that Derek was an assistant Seneca County Prosecutor handling adult felony crimes from 1994-1999.
Prosecutor Derek DeVine is a former member of the Ohio Sentencing Commission. The Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission is under the supervision of the Ohio Supreme Court and seeks to recommend statutory changes to Ohio criminal laws. Derek has also worked with the Seneca County METRICH task force as it seeks coordinated investigation and prosecution of crimes in the community including drug trafficking offenses. Derek has also involved the prosecutors office in the Seneca County Opiate Task Force which is actively seeking remedies for opiate abuse in the community.
Derek is originally from Indiana. He graduated from the University of Evansville with a bachelor’s degree in political science. He graduated from the Ohio Northern University College of Law in 1993.
Derek is married to Anne Lange DeVine. Anne and Derek are the proud parents of Erin. They reside in Tiffin.
79 South Washington Street Tiffin, Ohio 44883